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【中国原创歌词网】 没有这位神父就没有乔布斯的苹果美学 Rev. Robert Palladino, Scribe Who Shaped Apples Fonts, Dies at 83 没有这位神父就没有乔布斯的苹果美学 Because of a Trappist monk, Apple computer displays look the way they do today. 都是因为一名特拉普派(Tr
Rev. Robert Palladino, Scribe Who Shaped Apple’s Fonts, Dies at 83
Because of a Trappist monk, Apple computer displays look the way they do today.
The monk was the Rev. Robert Palladino, who died on Feb. 26 at 83. A Roman Catholic priest who began his vocation in a monastic order, Father Palladino was also a world-renowned master of calligraphy.
这位修道士名叫罗伯特·帕拉迪诺(Robert Palladino),今年2月26日去世,享年83岁。帕拉迪诺不仅是一名职业生涯始于隐修会的罗马天主教神父,还是一位世界知名的书法大师。
“Priest and calligrapher,” his business card read, in his unimpeachable Renaissance italic, and he long plied both trades at once. For years, babies he baptized received baptismal certificates in his flawless hand. In Oregon, where he made his home, Father Palladino hand-lettered the state medical licenses for generations of newly minted doctors.
他的名片上写着“神父、书法家”,字体是他那无懈可击的Renaissance italic。他长期同时从事神父和书法家这两种职业。多年时间里,请他施洗的孩子,都会得到一份精美的洗礼证明,由他亲手书写。在他定居的俄勒冈州,帕拉迪诺神父为一代又一代新入行的医生,手写了州执业证书。
As a Trappist brother, Father Palladino learned his art in silence, honed it over years of study and eventually, on leaving his order, taught it to others.
To his students, he brought a world of genteel scholarship and quiet contemplation; a world whose modus operandi — by hand, with ink, on paper, parchment and vellum — was little changed for centuries; a world of classical music (an accomplished singer, he liked to ply his calligraphy to Beethoven), Gregorian chant and the Latin Mass, which he continued celebrating in discreet defiance long after Vatican II.
对他的学生来说,帕拉迪诺神父带他们入门的那个世界,将高雅的学术研究和沉静的思索结合在了一起。多个世纪以来,这个世界的运行方式几乎没什么变化,一直是用手和墨水,写在纸张、羊皮纸、牛皮纸上。这是一个既能享受古典音乐(帕拉迪诺神父歌唱水平高超,他喜欢一边听贝多芬一边写书法),又能听到格列高利圣咏和拉丁语弥撒的世界。第二次梵蒂冈大公会议(Vatican II)过去很久后,帕拉迪诺神父依然不顾会议的规定,低调地主持拉丁语弥撒。
Into that world burst a young college dropout named Steve Jobs.
一个年轻的大学辍学生突然闯进了这个世界。他叫史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)。
It is a coincidence no less exquisite than Father Palladino’s finest calligraphy that “Silicon Valley’s future most famous screamer studied with a monk who spent years taking a vow of silence,” as The Hollywood Reporter wrote shortly after Mr. Jobs’s death in 2011.
乔布斯2011年去世后不久,《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter)写道:“硅谷后来出了名地爱咆哮的那个人,曾师从一名长年信守沉默誓言的修道士。”这个巧合的精妙程度,堪比帕拉迪诺神父精湛的书法作品。
A character based on Father Palladino, played by the strapping young actor William Mapother, appears in “Jobs,” the 2013 Hollywood film starring Ashton Kutcher. To reporters who asked Father Palladino whether he planned to see the film, he replied, characteristically, that he saw few movies of any kind.
在2013年阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)主演的好莱坞影片《乔布斯》(Jobs)中,便有一个以帕拉迪诺神父为原型的角色,由身材魁梧的年轻演员威廉·马波瑟(William Mapother)饰演。被记者问及是否打算去看那部电影时,帕拉迪诺神父回答说,他几乎什么电影都不看。这是他的典型风格。
An authority on the history, structure and aesthetics of scripts from antiquity to the present, Father Palladino taught calligraphy at Reed College in Portland, Ore., from 1969 until his retirement, in 1984.
作为从古至今各种书面文字的历史、结构和美学研究方面的权威,帕拉迪诺神父从1969年开始在俄勒冈州波特兰的里德学院(Reed College)教书法,直至1984年退休。
The college’s calligraphy program, which flourished from 1938 until Father Palladino’s retirement, was widely regarded as the foremost in the country, training many respected artists, typographers and graphic designers. For decades, nearly every sign and poster on campus was the graceful fruit of its labor.
Mr. Jobs briefly attended Reed in 1972 before dropping out for economic reasons, but hung around campus for more than a year afterward; during that time, he audited Father Palladino’s class. After helping to found Apple in 1976, he often credited the company’s elegant onscreen fonts — and his larger interest in the design of computers as physical objects — to what he had been taught there.
“I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great,” Mr. Jobs said in a 2005 commencement address at Stanford. “It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.” He continued:
“Ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them.”
Though Father Palladino demonstrably influenced Mr. Jobs, the converse cannot be said. To the end of his life, Father Palladino never owned, or even once used, a computer.
“I have my hand,” he would say, “and I have my pen. That’s it.”





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